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Webb Wiggins, harpsichord

Under the influence of contemporary humanist thought, the aesthetic foundations of music at the dawn of the baroque era embraced the premise that musical performance led to affective change in the hearer. The act of performance was thus a dynamic one in which specific musical elements aroused specific emotional states: music thus conceived was never static, it was about change. It is significant then, that also at the end of the sixteenth century and well into the seventeenth, the musical vocabulary was so often devoted to variation—to change—in a narrower technical sense. On this disc, Webb Wiggins presents performances of harpsichord works by Girolamo Frescobaldi, Antonio Cabezón, Luzzasco Luzzaschi, Tarquinio Merula, and Bernardo Storace on two historic instruments from the Smithsonian collection, made by Giovanni Battista Giusti in 1693 and Nicolaus DeQuoco in 1694.
Listen to Girolamo Frescobaldi's Toccata Settima, from Il secondo libro di toccate, canzone, versi d'hinni, Magnificat, gagliarde, correnti et altre partite d'intravolatura di cembalo et organo
$16.00 + $2.98 shipping & handling
On this album:
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643)
† [1] Toccata Settima, from Il secondo libro di toccate, canzone, versi d’hinni, Magnificat, gagliarde, correnti et altre partite d’intavolatura di cembalo et organo (Rome, 1627; rev. 1637)
† [2] - [4] Balletto III, Corrente del Balletto e Passacagli, from Toccate d’intavolatura di cimbalo et organo, partite di diverse arie et corrente, balletti, ciaccone, passachagli (Rome, 1637)
Bernardo Storace (fl 1664)
† [5] Passagagli sopra Fe fa ut per b, from Selva di varie compositioni d’intavolatura per cimbalo ed organo (Venice, 1664)
Antonio Cabezón (1510-1566)
* [6] Diferencias sobre el canto llano del Cavallero, from Obras de música para tecla, arpa y vihuela (Madrid, 1578)
* [7] Glosa sobre Dont vient cela (1578)
* [8] Cancion glosada Triste depart (1578)
Girolomo Frescobaldi
* [9] - [10] Balletto II e Corrente (1637)
Bernardo Storace
† [11] Monica (1664)
Tarquinio Merula (ca. 1594-1642)
† [12] Capriccio, from an undated keyboard manuscript miscellany (shelf number II.2.51, pp. 36-38) in Leipzig’s Städtische Musikbibliothek
Luzzasco Luzzaschi (ca. 1545-1607)
* [13] Toccata del quarto tuono, printed in Girolamo Diruta’s Il Transilvano: dialogo sopra il vero modo di sonar organi, & istromenti di penna (Venice, 1593)
Girolomo Frescobaldi
† [14] - [16] Balletto I, Corrente del Balletto e Passacagli (1637)
* [17] - [21] Cinque Gagliarde (1627; rev. 1637)
* [22] Aria detta la Frescobalda (1627; rev. 1637)
Bernardo Storace
* [23] Passagagli sopra A la mi re (1664)
harpsichords from the collection of the National Museum of American History by:
*Giovanni Battista Giusti, Rome, 1693
† Nicolas DeQuoco, Florence, 1694